Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Important intangible folk cultural property "Mibu-kyougen" in the country is opened to the public in Mibu-dera in Kyoto City Nakagyo Ward in spring on

Opening important intangible folk cultural property "Mibu-kyougen" in the country in spring to the public started on the 21st in Mibu-dera in Kyoto City Nakagyo Ward. The first is customary "Hourakuwari". The spectator has been shouting with joy to a great scene to which Houraku is dynamically dropped from the stage.

Mibu-kyougen is assumed that it is a start that Engakujyounin explained teaching France by the gesticulation at the body about 700 years ago. It performs according to the bell and the drum, and "mibusannokaandenden" and the citizens are familiar.
The trick of spring that starts at 1:00PM is dedicated to the principal image as work in daytime. "Hourakuwari" is a story into which it fights over the first ride of the drum sales and the Hourakuuri [riga] branch shop, and the drum sales divide all Houraku. Dust flew up when about 1000 Horaku that those who visited a shrine dedicated at Setsubun of February was dropped one after another and it cracked, the spectator stood up, and it gazed. Until the 29th. Charge.

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